Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Keep in Touch!

To all you wonderful Clients, Colleagues and Friends

I bid you all farewell but not goodbye! I am writing this letter to you with such joy and excitement. Why? Because the Killeen family is off on a big audacious adventure for 3 ½ months and I want to thank all those people who made this dream a reality for our family. My thanks go to my family at Kapstadt International Properties who without hesitation roared YES! Go live your dream and we’ll look after your clients and protect their best interests on your behalf.

To all my clients and friends who said go for it! To my husband who said ok as long as I can work 2 hours a day, to the schools and the teachers who will be allowing me and my children to learn a terms work via email.

There are a few of you who I need to have over for dinner, aren’t you glad you have to wait until my return, let’s face it -my recipe knowledge will be much improved with all the wonderful food that I am going to taste all over Asia and Indonesia!

Below is my face book link, you can keep up to date with all my latest adventures and perhaps an occasional recipe too!


Don’t forget to vote!
Warm Regards & I will be back!
See you soon - Louise

Louise Killeen
Kapstadt International Properties
11a De Lorentz Street

Tel: 021 424 2211
Fax: 021 424 4414
